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Have fun reading this mundane blog
I am NⒻ!BM
I'm 242572385350 years old. Trust me, I lie
I'm a good girl. No, seriously
David Villa Sanchez is hot and talented
I'm a certified bubble burster to be
Don't break my heart, or I'll break your heart-shaped glasses
Listen to your own heart talking, don't be stupid, listen to adults- they give you the best advices,
like how you should finish your A levels before going overseas for further studies
I'm tired, from standing throughout the whole bus ride. Actually, I got a seat. But I stood up and offered it to an old lady. People looked at me like I'm a freak(?) when I did that. Is it weird being nice and offering a seat to an elderly? It's called being nice, kindness. Start it. Show it. Share it.(click here) You'll feel good after doing something nice, they say. Well, I definitely felt good. Fatin's such a nice girl, don't you think? ^^
Anyway, went to TM's Popular to get some stuffs after work. Man, the queue was frickin' long. Cause school's reopening soon! HAH!
So, work was kind of draggy today. Cause both Ain and me was sleeeeeepy. Yeah, sleepy. Finally done with all the filing (hooray).
It's real this time. I don't miss x anymore. I don't even think about him anymore.
I'm glad.
rock that beat, fella
Monday, December 29, 2008/ 11:15 PM
Work was great, hah. Paperwork sucks though. Can't wait to design brochures/pamphlets. I don't enjoy making invoices, inventory, etc. It's like POA all over again. Have I mention I hate/abhor POA? Yeah, I hate/abhor POA ALOT. And Mom wants me to go into Accounting.
-___- Very funny Mom. Not in a million years. Anyway, did paperwork while watching/listening to music videos, hah. Played with Ain's webcam for a while, then cleaned up the place. And we left at around five. Took bus 65 to Tampines interchange, and we went to eat our reallylate lunch. Head back after that. Overall, work was kinda great.
Monster, how should I feel?
rock that beat, fella
Sunday, December 28, 2008/ 10:41 PM
Zoo trip was fine. Had fun, but it was kinda tiring. Work tomorrow. Will be updating less. Anyway, watch this video. It's cute.
I want to eat candy floss again.
rock that beat, fella
Saturday, December 27, 2008/ 11:05 PM
I'm so going to TP's open house. I want to go to Jam & Hop too! Cause UTT is gonna be there, UTT! Fiona Xie will be there too. Oh yeah, Utt will be there with Electrico and A Vacant Affair. I'm going, Sis will be so dead jealous hahahahahahahahahahaha. Well, you got to go to their concert yesterday, Sis. And you got to see Aaron, and Joshua (I think) smiled at you. So yeah.
Anyway, Zoo outing tomorrow! YAY. I'm not sure whether I can wake up early. Gonna meet cousins and Aunt around seven? Or eight? Hmm.
Gonna start work soon. This Monday. Great. At least I'll have something to do, rather than just rotting at home. And I'll gain the experience too. (:
I'm bloated, with Sour Cream & Onion Chipster. Hah.
rock that beat, fella
Friday, December 26, 2008/ 9:48 PM
Cut us and we bleed
I didn't follow Mom to buy her stuffs just now, cause she didn't allow me to come along. Oh, Sis got a belated gift from Aunt. I'm dead bored. About half a month left to results(!) I'm looking forward to Sunday's outing, cause I'm dead bored at home. No one to go out with, and yeah, no money too. I'm bored bored bored bored boreddddddd.
One of these days you'll be under the covers. You'll be under the table and you'll realize all of your days are numbered. All of them, one to one hundred. All of them millions. All of them trillions. So what are you gonna do with them all? You cannot trade them in for the mall.
Take every moment, you know that you own them. It's all you can do, use what's been given to you.
Give me a reason to fight the feeling that there's nothing here for me. Cause none of it is easy. I know it wasn't meant to be. I know it's all up to me. So what am I gonna do with my time?
I'll take every moment, I know that I own them. It's all up to you to do whatever you choose. Live like you're dying, and never stop trying. It's all you can do, use what's been given to you.
All of the moments you didn't notice; gone in the blink of an eye. All of the feelings you couldn't feel, no matter how you try.
So take every moment, you know that you own them. It's all you can do, use what's been given to you.
Live like you're dying, and never stop trying. It's all you can do, use what's been given to you.
It's the lyrics of a song by Lenka. The song's in my playlist. Well, I told you I'm bored.
I want my cupcakes. Suckerxzxzxz.
rock that beat, fella
Thursday, December 25, 2008/ 11:41 PM
Finally done making cupcakes, yay.
It's Christmas. Which means O levels results gonna be out soon. God. I really am nervous thinking about it. I really want to get in my desired school and course. I don't want to get my results, but yet, I want to know my results. Urgh, it's killing me. Anyway, I told Sis. I don't want to get a laptop yet. I want to know what course I'll get in first, then I'll get myself a laptop. Tp's open house is coming. I want to go, I have to go. Oh, maybe we can meet our fellow Purple-mates there. Hah.
I'm going to the Zoo this Sunday! With cousins, and my Aunt. It has been a long time since I last went there. Kinda excited for it. Didn't want to go at first, but I have to. Or Izzah will get mad/sad/whatever.
Santa, get me an iTouch. I've been very good this year, really.
rock that beat, fella
/ 9:54 PM
Favourite of all.
Currently making cupcakes, so yeah.
rock that beat, fella
Sunday, December 21, 2008/ 2:14 AM
Matt Prokop :DDDDD
Aka, Rocketman (!)
rock that beat, fella
Saturday, December 20, 2008/ 9:45 PM
I'll never let you win.
Get this straight, I'll never let you win. Neither will I ever let you bring me down, again. You did it once, never will there be a second time. Hah. I'm alright now. But look at you. You're so sad. Maybe you should buy yourself a happy meal.
Call me names, call me whatever shit you want. Look at yourself in the mirror. You're so sad. I call it karma. That's your karma, for using people. For playing with people's hearts. I know I'm not the only one you've used. I hope you hang yourself with your scarf. Or maybe you should take a penknife and cut yourself. Either way, I won't feel sorry for you. I'll be on top of the world, yes. Oh no, I'm not usually this mean. In fact, this is not even called mean. I don't like holding grudges. At least not anymore. So I just hope you get what you deserve. You're such a two-faced jerk.
Yes, we watched Twilight (!!!) YAY. Watched at Lido. Edward, he's goddamn gorgeous. Bella is so annoying. I don't like her for obvious reason, HAH. Anyway, the movie was superb. But they obviously miss out some scenes from the book. I guess reading it is more interesting, but who cares? We're talking about Robert Pattinson here. :D Oh, Edward is not the only cute guy in the movie. There's another one. Jackson Rathbone, also known as Jasper. He's cute, :)
Agree? He looks a little different here, but who cares.
He's still cute :)
Anyway, Masyu didn't join us. Again. She haven't take her passport, that's why. Pfft. That's ok, let's wait for Ain and Farah to get back from Bangkok and KL. I want to watch Angus, thongs and perfect snogging right now. So yeah.
I miss my dear old form teacher, hahahahahahahaha.
Went Bugis today, to get Masyu's birthday present. Met Ain first, then I went off with Sis. So, going out with gfs tomorrow, finally. Not sure where we're going. But hopefully, HOPEFULLY we'll be watching TWILIGHT, YAY.
Right, I want to watch Avatar. Oh I wanted to watch Angus, thongs and perfect snogging online, but Hakim is such a spoiler. Pfft. Next time then.
(Oh, I saw this really cute ang moh guy yesterday at town. Too bad he's short.)
rock that beat, fella
Sunday, December 14, 2008/ 9:17 PM
Fitrah's birthday party - Fine, not fun but it was fine. Water bomb was fine too.
Went back to Grandma's house and watched a horror movie - One Missed Call. Great show, but I prefer the Japanese version. Not that scary, but there was a lot of suspense. Was shocked a lot of times, especially when Pak Busu crawled up behind us and shock us. Hakim slept over at Huzaifah's. I'm bored. Can't wait to go out with Ain on Tuesday. Too bad Farah can't come along. That's ok, we'll still have the next outing.
18December - TWILIGHT!!!! Hopefully Pak Busu keeps his promise to treat us! Hooray. But I don't mind watching it again with girlfriends.
Done reading the book though. Overall, great. Now I want to read Eclipse. Hah.
My tummy hurts from eating too much. Great F, great.
rock that beat, fella
/ 3:15 AM
Why the hell do you have to reply?
I miss everything.
I hate this.
Ainnnnnnnnnnnn, I need your hug right now.
(To the rest- Don't ask me who it's about etc. I'll tell you if I want to.)
rock that beat, fella
Saturday, December 13, 2008/ 11:06 PM
I had a dream last night. No, last last night. Well it's both a dream and a nightmare to me. I saw him in the dream. He was sitting alone on a bench. I didn't want him to see me, so I avoided him. But somehow, he saw me. He didn't recognize me cause he asked for my name. So I told him my name. And he cried. I was confused? Cause I felt sad, and happy when he cried. I have no idea why he cried either. He looked a little different though. Ok, maybe a lot. But I know it's him. The dream ended there, hah. I hate that dream. I didn't think of him or anything before this. So why did I dream of him? No, I didn't miss him or anything I swear. I've been thinking a lot about this. Everything came back after that dream. And because of this, I'm missing everything all over again. Man, I hate this feeling.
Oh, I've changed my number. Ask for my new one if I don't inform you of my new number alright.
This week is going to be a busy week. Well, kinda. Going out this Friday to celebrate Sissy's advanced birthday, since Dad is free on Friday. Saturday will be a mundane day. Sunday is the spoiled girl's birthday (hah I'm mean). I'm going to cut my hair this Friday, I think uh. Lol.
Anyway, I like to watch Avatar, The Legend Of Aang. Hahaha. Hakim got me addicted. And of course, I watch my Danny Phantom everyday. Aha ha ha ha. Ooh Ooh, I want to watch TWILIGHT! I don't want to watch it online, must resist the temptation. Farah couldn't resist hahaha. Ain and me are still enduring. 18 December, make yourselves free people! Anyway, I borrowed the book from Izzah. The thick one. The one I saw the other day was kinda thin. But Izzah's book is thick. Well, I intend to finish the book before watching the movie! Hopefully I can finish it on time. And I can't wait for Friday, it has been ages, and I mean ages, since we go out as a family. Hmm.
How can I decide what's right, when you're clouding up my mind.
How did we get here?
I used to know you so well.
My thoughts you can't decode.
rock that beat, fella
/ 2:25 AM
Happy belated birthday, dear Quraisha. Sorry, didn't get the chance to wish you. I miss ya lots (:
Anyway, went to Grandma's house late hahaha. Mom went first, since she helped to cook and all. Woke up late. Got ready, and headed to Grandma's house. Thought we were the last to reach. Lucky. So anyway, the ceremony/kenduri started at around 3+. Some unwanted things happened, and there was some tension but everybody just kept quiet. Except for us cousins. Hah. Had a great time with them. Gonna meet them this Sunday again, for Fitrah's birthday party. We have an evil plan hahaha. Ok blah blah.
I want to go out with girlfriends. Sms-ed Ain when I'm free, but she didn't reply. Guess I'll sms Farah and Masyu later on. Oh well. I'm only free on Thursday. So yeah.
I miss R.
But he doesn't care anymore.
Oh well.
rock that beat, fella
Sunday, December 7, 2008/ 5:16 PM
I've been away for quite sometime, huh. Well, I wasn't busy. Just lazy to go online and update. There's nothing to update about anyway. Life's like a routine now. Wake up, bath, teevee/game, sleep. Can't wait to go out with the others. I want to travel, to Spain. Not now, when I become rich one day.
"Sometimes, the greatest journey is the distance between two people."
Just some random quote. I seriously don't have anything to talk about. I'm only blogging for the sake of it. Seriously, there's nothing to do online anymore. Ok, I want to go and have lunch. Yeah I know it's pretty late. Can't blame me, I woke up late. I slept at 6am, that's why. What was I doing? Playing game. Hah.
rock that beat, fella
Wednesday, December 3, 2008/ 10:07 PM
There's an empty room full of memories,
And everywhere I look, it's where we used to be.
It's like a photograph,
A moment froze in time,
I'm staring at your face, even when I close my eyes.
Oh oh, where'd you go?
I thought you'd never leave,
Oh oh, should have known,
How much you mean to me.
Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,
So, it's a shame that you'll never really know.
I wish I could go back,
And be with you again.
'Cos there's so many things I should have said,
When I had you listening.
As close as we were then, as far as we are now,
As much as this won't change a thing,
You've got me calling out...
Oh oh, where'd you go?
I thought you'd never leave,
Oh oh, should have known,
How much you mean to me.
Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,
So, it's a shame that you'll never really know.
Now was it ever meant to last?
The candles burned from yesterday,
The past is over, gone ahead
And watch the glow just fade away.
I can't run to catch my breath,
I can't hide to see what's left,
The plans, the hopes, the dreams, the tears,
All disappeared...
Oh oh, where'd you go?
I thought you'd never leave,
Oh oh, should have known,
How much you mean to me.
Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,
So, it's a shame that you'll never really know.
Oh oh, where'd you go?
I thought you'd never leave,
Oh oh, should have known,
How much you mean to me.
Oh oh, where you are is where I wanna be,
So, it's a shame that you'll never really know.
So, it's a shame that you'll never really know...
It's a shame that I never really showed.
I can really relate to this song by Ashley Parker Angel. Yeah, I do wish I could go back, and do some things I should have done. And say some things that were never spoken. I miss everyone who made me who I am today. 4E3 played a big part. And that's why I'll never forget them. I saw this at Philo's personal message, "To be in 4E3 everyday is a privilege". I guess that's true. I have to count myself lucky to be a part of 4E3. I met great friends, great people, and I learnt what friendship really is. To be honest, this is one thing that I never want to let go of. Yeah, we had our ups and downs. But you'll have to agree, it made us closer. Yeah, there are some people I used to dislike in the class. But this, moving on to the next stage of life, I don't know how to describe it. But it somehow made me let go of all my past grudges. The saying is true, life's too short to hate. Time pass so quickly, there's no time to hate. I'll pray that our friendship will not end even till the day they dig our graves. Especially the friendship I have between Ain, Masyu and Farahin. Four years of friendship with Ain and Masyu, and still counting. Farahin, eventhough we only became close in secondary three, it's like we've known you since secondary one. Not forgetting Nadiah too. I do treasure our friendship, and I hope it will last too. Definitely not forgetting the clowns, four years of friendship too, Nabil and Haziq. Time really flies, huh? Today we're taking Os, and tmr, we're in polytechnic or somewhere. You know, I want to turn back time and change things I regretted doing. But I definitely don't want to change the friendship we have in 4E3. Well, I'm not the only one. I'm sure the rest of them doesn't want things to change either.
Apart from all that, there really is something I want to change if I could turn back time. Like in the song above, there's so many things I should have said when I had you listening. Yeah, that's something I would like to change. But then again, would things be different today if I said something else? I wonder. Anyway, don't have to know what I'm talking about here.
This is a really long post. Didn't expect it to be this long. Woahhhhhhhhhhhh. K, exaggerating.
Can't wait for tmr (:
rock that beat, fella
/ 1:48 AM
I'm addicted to this song. Mom introduced it to me. It's catchy, that's why I like it.
rock that beat, fella
/ 12:17 AM
I hate weird dreams. If you know what I mean. I hate feeling afraid for no reason. My palms sweat when I'm nervous. My palms kept sweating the whole day today. Don't ask me why, I have no idea why either. You know sometimes you just get that nervous feeling but you don't really know why. That feeling, I hate it. I hope it'll go away after a good sleep. I hope I have a good sleep. I'm not sleeping well these few days, just feel so restless. And I dream of things, weird things. Yesterday's dream was hilarious though. I dreamt I was quarreling with this guy I've never talked to before. It was funny how I screamed at him and all. Hah.
Maybe going out on Thursday to celebrate Philo's birthday. I miss Philo, and the rest of the class too. Haha. Going out with girlfriends this Friday. Where to? I have no idea. We have no idea. Lol. I want to go to the Breakout show. The non-verbal dance comedy. It seems interesting. I really wanna watch it. Oh well.