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This is my blog, my say. Do leave if you don't get that
Ah yes, I welcome sarcasm. Sarcasm is like, breathing for you(?)
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Have fun reading this mundane blog
I am NⒻ!BM
I'm 242572385350 years old. Trust me, I lie
I'm a good girl. No, seriously
David Villa Sanchez is hot and talented
I'm a certified bubble burster to be
Don't break my heart, or I'll break your heart-shaped glasses
Listen to your own heart talking, don't be stupid, listen to adults- they give you the best advices,
like how you should finish your A levels before going overseas for further studies
About 20 hours left. Butterflies. Yellow butterflies. They're everywhere. They seem to be following me. I'm eating more and more chocolates. I need the toilet every now and then. I try to keep myself busy. But the butterflies. The yellow butterflies. They still won't go away. They seem to love me so much. Don't they know I hate them? Butterflies. You're killing me from the inside. Go away. Go away butterflies.